SDHS Academic Information
Academic Hall of Fame
The South Dearborn Academic & Career Hall of Fame (SDACHOF) was established in February 2011 to recognize distinguished alumni, staff members & volunteers who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in areas such as citizenship, leadership, sportsmanship and career achievement in the arts & sciences, education, business, service industries, medicine, research & other professional fields.
It is our goal to recognize South Dearborn Community School Corporation alumni, employees & volunteers that have distinguished themselves by their contribution in their field of work or study, to the South Dearborn Community and to society as a whole. By honoring these positive role models, we hope to provide inspiration to our current students on understanding the value of education & citizenship and the possibilities to which it may lead. The SDACHOF is to recognize those who have demonstrated significant accomplishments based upon academic excellence & achievement, career accomplishments, community service, personal excellence & dedication to lifelong learning.
Each year, the Hall of Fame committee will induct up to four (4) new members (8 members the first year) to the SDCSC Academic & Career Hall of Fame.
Criteria Nominees will be recognized for a high level of achievement in a combination of:
- academic endeavors,
- career excellence
- service to community
- good character
- scholarship
- leadership
- service within his/her field of expertise.
3 Categories Alumni/Former Students: this category will honor former students of SDCSC for their contribution to society, academic achievements and for enhancing the reputation of our schools. Former students must have been students in the SDCSC for at least four (4) years & graduated from a SDCSC high school (SDHS, Moores Hill, Dillsboro, Aurora). These nominees must be at least 30 years of age.
Staff Member: This category will honor all SDCSC staff members or school board members that have served SDCSC for their contribution to the school, students & education. These nominees must have been SDCSC employees for a minimum of eight (8) years.
SDCSC Volunteers: This category will honor all parents, teachers & local residents that have excelled in their volunteer work with the SDCSC. Examples are PTO, Booster Clubs, mentoring, youth groups, music, band, etc. These nominees can be current or past volunteers.
* The Hall of Fame board has the right to waive qualification standards for nominees by unanimous vote. The Hall of Fame board can induct individuals posthumously.
Anyone may submit a nomination form.
Juniors & Seniors who submit a nomination must provide an essay in the Indiana Dollars for Scholars Hoosier Heroes format – they will then be eligible to win one of three SD Hoosier Heroes Scholarships ($500, $300 & $200) and an Indiana Dollars for Scholars Hoosier Heroes Scholarship ($2000)
All nominations will be good for five (5) years.
The deadline is April 30th of each year.
Hall of Fame Steering Committee
The steering committee will have 9 rotating members & at least 2 permanent members (SDHS principal & one school board member). Each steering committee member will serve for four years. The first committee will have 3 members serving 2 years, 3 members serving 3 years & 3 members serving 4 years to get the rotation started.
2 Years – John Race, John Rumsey, Mark Neff 3 Years – Marvin Duerstock, Mel Green, Paula Bruner 4 Years – Andrea Ewan, Jane Hiltz, Mary Pat Taylor
Subsequent members will be nominated & voted on by the current steering committee.
The SDHS principal (or his/her designee) & one school board member will be permanent voting members of the steering committee. They will also provide input, personal knowledge of nominees, adherance to school policies & public appearance, make sure the nominees are good role models & good representatives of the school district, etc.
Current steering committee members are not eligible to be inducted into the SDACHOF while they are on the committee. They will be eligible to be inducted after their term is completed.
Voting Committee
All members of the rotating steering committee, the SDHS principal (or his/her designee) & one school board member will be voting members.
Steering committee members cannot vote on any immediate family members that are nominated to the SDACHOF.
A chairperson & secretary will be selected at the April meeting as necessary. South Dearborn Dollars for Scholars will serve as the treasurer.
Charter Members
The first year (2011), up to eight (8) nominees will be inducted into the SDACHOF
Subsequent Members
Each year after the charter year, up to four (4) nominees will be inducted into the SDACHOF.
Nomination / Selection Process
After each year's deadline (April 30th), all eligible nomination forms will be sent electronically to each steering committee for review.
The steering committee will then meet in April to review, discuss & vote on the inductees for that year.
Voting will be by secret ballot. Each attending steering committee member will vote on their top 8 choices the first year and top 4 choices each year thereafter. The nominees with the most votes (8 the first year, 4 each year thereafter) will be inducted into the SDACHOF.
SDCSC Academic & Career Hall of Fame Induction & SD Dollars for Scholars Awards Banquet
The SDACHOF Induction will be combined with the SD Dollars for Scholars Awards Banquet on the first Sunday in August of each year. This will provide the inductees with an impressive audience and will provide inspiration to our current graduates to perservere in their goals to achieve a college education.
The Hall of Fame plaques will be located in a hallway at SDHS.
South Dearborn Academic & Career Hall of Fame Scholarship
Each year, South Dearborn Dollars for Scholars will provide $250 to be awarded to a graduating senior as the SDACHOF Scholarship.
After the SDACHOF Inductees are selected & notified, they will have the opportunity to select one graduating senior ro receive a $250 SDACHOF Scholarship.
Ten (10) applications will be selected by SDDFS as finalists & these applications will be sent electronically to all members of the SDACHOF & to vote for the most worthy. The student with the most votes will receive the scholarship.
The student would have to be present to win as an incentive to attend the August banquet.
The South Dearborn Academic & Career Hall of Fame Steering Committee, South Dearborn Dollars for Scholars and the South Dearborn Community School Corporation are very proud to introduce this program. It is a great way to tie the local community, SDDFS & SDCSC together.
NOTE: Petition forms may be picked up at any of the South Dearborn Community School Corporation school buildings. -
College Bound Focus
Preparing students for college is a common thread throughout all of our schools. From K-12, our students are engaged in programs that set the tone for potential college aspirations and include college visits during High School.
While college isn't right for everyone, we believe that all students should understand the opportunities that exist. For those that choose to follow the college path, we offer an award winning Dollars for Scholars program that has awarded an impressive $1 million dollars of scholarships since its inception. For those who opt for a technical route, our students have access to numerous vocational opportunities at the Southeastern Indiana Career Center.
Freshman Year- Learn More: Freshman may begin to use this web site to help in planning their future career and education.
- Indiana Career Explorer - All freshmen have access to this online program and will utilize it throughout high school for college and career planning.
Sophomore Year- Review high school credits earned to date.
- Begin to seek out what area the student has aptitude and a successful record.
- Begin discussion between parents and students concerning education after high school.
- Attend South Dearborn High School College Night in the fall to gather information about colleges.
- Take the PLAN (pre ACT) test at SDHS in the fall; this is a preliminary test for experience in taking college admissions tests.
- In the fall take the PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test). This is a preliminary test for experience in taking a college admissions test and to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program. The PSAT is given at SDHS in October.
Junior Year- Begin in-depth investigation into all the possibilities discovered during the previous year.
- In the fall retake the PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test). This is a preliminary test for experience in taking a college admissions test and to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program. The PSAT is given at SDHS in October.
- Compile an extensive college list identifying geographic areas, financial ranges, academic opportunities and athletic opportunities.
- Review admission requirements of different colleges as well as scholarship and financial aid plans.
- By winter and spring term the college list should be narrowed considerably.
- In the spring students should take the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) or the ACT (American College Testing Program). Most colleges in Indiana will accept the ACT or SAT. Students should check which test is required by the colleges they are interested in attending.
- Begin college campus visitation. Campus days will be posted on the bulletin board in the Guidance area.
Senior Year- Obtain college admission, housing, and financial aid applications. Many colleges encourage use of on-line applications.
- The Guidance area has applications and information on most Indiana colleges, and some popular Ohio and Kentucky colleges. The college handbooks will give information on any two and four year colleges in the United States. Many colleges have online applications and encourage their use. The counselors will help obtain any other information you might need concerning your future plans.
- Submit application before Thanksgiving or as early during the senior year as possible.
- After January 1 and before March 1, submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This form is used to apply for Federal, State, and institutional aid. Some colleges have earlier deadline dates for the FAFSA. The FAF is now a form to only collect additional, non-federal data. A few institutions will require both the FAFSA and the FAF to be completed and to be considered for financial aid. A fee is required with the FAF. A Financial Aid Workshop is hosted each January at South Dearborn High School.
Course Offerings
From Art, Business Education and Engineering, to Music, Language Arts and Technology courses, we offer a wide variety of courses for our students to choose from. Did you know that South Dearborn covers a portion of every student's textbook fees?
Learn more and read course descriptions by contacting the Guidance Department with any questions.
The Art Department offers a wide area of art media. The advanced courses are designed for students who want to specialize in a specific area.
South Dearborn High School offers a variety of courses in the business program that will benefit any student regardless of their field of study. These will actively engage students using instructional strategies that rely on the use of technology and practices that reflect current business and industry procedures as well as teaching everyday living skills.
The Southeastern Career Center, located in Versailles, Indiana serves 12 area high schools. Students attend the Career Center in the morning, returning to South Dearborn for lunch and afternoon classes. Credits earned at SCC serve as
elective credits for all diploma types. Many programs lead to certification or grant college credit. Applications for 2014-2015 are available in the Guidance Department.
Classes in Family & Consumer Sciences (FACS) provide links between academic and career vocational skills. FACS classes take academic skills and apply them to everyday life situations using projects and hands-on experiences. Focusing on the needs of individuals and families, the skills taught will promote leadership, citizenship, communication, and decision making for
successfully living and working in the 21st Century.
The Language Arts Department has developed a two-level curriculum to meet the
individual needs of our students. We have, consequently, placed all students in one of two instructional levels, which best matches his present achievement level
and skill in language arts.
- Honors English - This level is designed for students who have demonstrated a high degree of skill in the language arts area. Emphasis will be placed on oral and written composition and the reading of the classics at an accelerated pace. Students enrolling in this course will attend a four-year academic college. The initial selection process for freshmen is based on the ISTEP scores with a reading level of 9 to 10th grade and a combined reading and language arts score at or above the 85th percentile. Continuation in this program is contingent upon earning a C and teacher evaluation.
- General English - This level is designed for students who are performing at or near grade level in the language arts area. Emphasis will be placed on communication skills through reading comprehension and practical writing and speaking experiences. Students enrolling at this level will have set as their goal an ability to use the English language effectively. This level assumes that students will attend postgraduate training. Freshmen entering at this level will be reading at 7th to 8th grade reading level and will have scored 50 to 85 percentile on the ISTEP in reading and language arts. Movement from this level to honors is contingent upon teacher evaluation.
The math department offers many different course offerings beyond the freshmen level. The Honors program is designed for those students that are math oriented. Anyone completing this series should be well qualified for any college program requiring a strong math background.
The department also offers a regular curriculum for those students that will pursue
post secondary education but may not be math oriented. The basis is the CORE 40
curriculum set out by the State of Indiana. Robust offerings of Dual credit higher level math are offered in conjunction with the Ivy Tech partnership.
In order to provide a quality education for every child at South Dearborn it is important to provide for the artistic and expressive aspects of each students intellect. Literacy in music strengthens a person's mental functions by enhancing problem solving and communication skills as well as fostering self-expression and aesthetic awareness. The music curriculum promotes lifelong participation in the arts by developing skilled creators, performers, critics, listeners, and observers in music.
Project Lead The Way (PLTW) offers a dynamic high school program students with real-world learning and hands-on experience. Students interested in engineering, biomechanics, aeronautics, and other applied math and science areas will discover PLTW is an exciting portal into these industries.
All freshmen are required to take two trimesters of physical education. At the sophomore level the requirement is one trimester of health and wellness. We also have advanced physical conditioning.
The Science Department seeks to provide students with a learning community that promotes a lifetime of critical inquiry and learning as well as an awareness of and appreciation for the manner in which science and technology affect the quality of their world.
The Social Studies curriculum at SDHS connects the historical, civic, and social understandings and competencies that all students should learn in order to live in a democratic society. At the high school level specific courses continue to build
upon the skills and knowledge acquired at earlier stages of instruction.
Technology Education provides the understanding and problem solving skills needed by people throughout their lives. The student›s who enroll in technology courses at SDHS will develop both individual and group abilities that are needed
to participate in and contribute to today›s workforce.
The world that we live in continues to change and advance at an incredible pace. In order to be successful in an increasingly global society, our students' educational experience should include the opportunity to develop awareness of other cultures and peoples and to become proficient in multiple languages. SDHS offers courses in both Spanish and German.
Questions? Feel free to contact the Guidance Department to learn more. -
Diploma Tracks
Because we know student's academic pursuits vary, we offer 3 distinct diploma tracks for students to select from:
1. Indiana Core 40
English/Language Arts 8 credits Credits must include literature, composition and speech Mathematics 4 credits 2 credits: Algebra I or Integrated Mathematics I
2 credits: Any math courseScience 4 credits 2 credits: Biology I
2 credits: Any science course (as long as at least one credit is from a Physical Science or Earth and Space Science course)Social Studies 4 credits 2 credits: U.S. History
1 credit: U.S. Government
1 credit: Any social studies coursePhysical Education 2 credits Health and Wellness 1 credit Career Academic Sequence
Selecting electives in a deliberate manner to take full advantage of career exploration and preparation opportunities6 credits Flex Credit 5 credits To earn 5 Flex Credits a student must complete one of the following: - Additional courses to extend the career academic sequence
- Courses involving workplace learning, which may include the following courses:
o Career exploration internship
o Professional career internship
o Business cooperative experiences
o Cooperative family and consumer sciences
o Industrial cooperative education
o Interdisciplinary cooperative education
o Marketing field experience- High school/college dual credit courses
- Additional courses in Language Arts, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, World Languages or Fine Arts
6 credits
Specifies the number of electives required by the state. High school schedules provide time for many more electives during the high school years.40 Total State Credits Required
2. Indiana Core 40 with Academic Honors
Complete all requirements for Core 40, minimum 47 credits. Earn 2 additional Core 40 math credits.
Earn 6-8 Core 40 world language credits (6 credits in one language or 4 credits each in two languages).
Earn 2 Core 40 fine arts credits.
Earn a grade of a "C" or better in courses that will count toward the diploma.
Have a grade point average of a "B" or better.
Complete one of the following:
A. Complete AP courses (4 credits) and corresponding AP exams
B. Complete IB courses (4 credits) and corresponding IB exams
C. Earn a combined score of 1200 or higher on the SAT critical reading and mathematics
D. Score a 26 or higher composite on the ACT
E. Complete dual high school/college credit courses from an accredited postsecondary institution (6 transferable college credits)
F. Complete a combination of an AP course (2 credits and corresponding exam) or an IB Standard Level course (2 credits and corresponding exam) and dual high school/college credit course(s) from an accredited postsecondary institution (3 transferable college credits)
3. Indiana Core 40 with Technical Honors
Complete all requirements for Core 40, minimum 47 credits. Complete a career-technical program (8 or more related credits)
Earn a grade of "C" or better in courses that will count toward the diploma. Have a grade point average of a "B" or better.
Recommended: Earn 2 additional credits in mathematics and 4-8 credits in World Languages for four year college admission.
Complete two of the following, one must be A or B:
A. Score at or above the following levels on WorkKeys: Reading for Information - Level 6; Applied Mathematics - Level 6; Locating Information - Level 5
B. Complete dual high school/college credit courses in a technical area (6 college credits)
C. Complete a Professional Career Internship course or Cooperative Education course (2 credits)
D. Complete an industry-based work experience as part of a two-year career-technical education program (minimum 140 hours)
E. Earn a state-approved, industry-recognized certificationFor additional questions, please contact the Guidance Deparment. To view details on Indiana's Diploma requirements, please visit the Indiana Department of Education web site at: -
Dual Credit Courses
For those students who plan to pursue a college degree, South Dearborn High School offers extensive dual credit classes, which means students can earn credit for high school as well as college at the same time.
These courses are designed to enhance the educational opportunities for all students and to enable students to meet the graduation requirements for the Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma. Specific requirements for earning dual credits are listed. Course fees vary and some classes are free.
Our dual credit courses include:
AP Calculus / Ivy Tech Community College - MATH 211
Calculus is a course that includes the study of the fundamental concepts of beginning calculus. Topics include (1) Limits and Continuity (2) Differentials (3) Applications of Derivatives (4) Integrals and (5) Applications of Integration. Students enrolled in this class will be required to have a graphing calculator. Students must have a TI-83+ graphing calculator for enrollment in this course. Prerequisite(s): C or higher in Pre-Calculus. Students must pass the course and earn a sufficient score on the AP exam to earn college credit. Students need to check with the college they plan to attend to see if they accept the exam score for credit. Students may also earn college credit through Ivy Tech Community College. (Qualifying score on Ivy Tech Accuplacer Test is required.)
AP Biology
This is a 3 trimester course. Topics include organization of life, energy transfer, genetics, evolution, diversity and the structure and life processes in plants and animals. Outside of class lab time will be required. Students will independently complete the first five chapters in the text during the summer prior to taking this course. Prerequisite: Honors Biology I with a B, Chemistry I Honors with a B and either Zoology & Botany, or Anatomy & Physiology and instructor's approval. Students may earn college credit provided they earn a sufficient score on the AP exam and their selected college will accept the score. AP Biology and Chem II ACP will be offered on alternating years. In 2013-2014 AP Biology will be offered with significant enrollment.
AP English 12 Honors / Ivy Tech Community College – ENGL 111
This course is designed to develop students to think, organize and express their ideas clearly and effectively in writing. This course incorporates reading, research, and critical thinking with emphasis placed on the various forms of expository writing. A research paper is required. Numerous in-class writing activities are required in addition to extended essays written outside of class. Dual Credit is through Ivy Tech Community College, transferable to many Indiana Colleges, as well as colleges outside the State. Students need to check with the college they plan to attend to see if they accept dual credit. Students must earn a B in the course and have an SAT score of 460 or better on the Critical Reading and Writing Section, or an ACT score of 18 on the Reading and 17 on the English section to earn dual credit or a qualifying score on Ivy Tech Accuplacer Test is required. Grade 12 / 2 High School credits; 3 College credit hours. No cost.
Chemistry II ACP / Indiana University – CHEM 105 & 125
This is a three-trimester course designed for students who have mastered Chemistry I Honors. The course emphasizes more highly motivating and challenging laboratory experiments involving a minimum of 40% of class time. Topics include organic, inorganic, analytical, and physical chemistry. Outside computer and Internet access are required for this course. Prerequisite: Chemistry I Honors and Instructor's approval. Can be taken for dual credit through Indiana University.
AP Biology and Chemistry II ACP will be taught on alternating years.
In 2014-15 Chemistry II will be offered with significant enrollment. Grades 11 and 12. 3 HS credits; up to 10 College credit hours. A reduced tuition fee is charged for this course. See the Guidance Dept for details.
Introduction to Engineering Design / Ivy Tech Community College – DESN102
This is the first course in the Project Lead The Way series. This course uses a design development process while enriching problem solving skills. Students create and analyze models using specialized computer software. Prerequisite: B or better in 8th grade Algebra or Algebra I Honors. Grades 9-12. 2 High School credits; 3 College credit hours. No cost.
Principles of Engineering / Ivy Tech Community College – ADMF115
This is the second course in the Project Lead The Way series. This course explores technology systems and manufacturing processes. It also addresses the social and political consequences of technological change. Prerequisite: C or better in Introduction to Engineering Design. Grades 10-12. 2 High School credits; 3 College credit hours.
Digital Electronics / Ivy Tech Community College – ADMF113
This course is the third course in the Project Lead the Way series or it may be taken alone as an honors elective class for students with a strong math background. It involves the study of electronic circuits that are used to process and control digital signals. Digital electronics is the foundation of all modern electronic devices such as cellular phones, MP3 players, laptop computers, digital cameras, and high-definition televisions. The major focus of the DE course is to expose 4 students to the design process of combinational and sequential logic design, teamwork, communication methods, engineering standards, and technical documentation. Grades 11-12. 2 High School credits; 3 College credit hours. To receive the college credit, students must meet certain scores on either an SAT, ACT, PSAT test or Ivy Tech's Accuplacer tests. No cost.
German III / Thomas More College – GER 101 & 102
Third year has a focus on reading comprehension and writing. Two detective stories are the main focus. Thursdays concentrate on grammar drills and Fridays focus on conversation and culture. Other requirements may include a culture project or a journal. Students are expected to speak German during class. 2 High School credits; 6 College credit hours. A reduced tuition fee is charged for this course. See Guidance for details.
U.S. History Advanced / Thomas More College – HIST115
This course gives major emphasis to the interaction of historical events and geographic, social, and economic influences on national development in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Investigation of themes and issues include an analysis of the importance of cultural pluralism and diversity of opinion in American society. Research and individual projects will be stressed. Prerequisite: B average, or instructor's permission. 2 High School credits; 3 College credit hours. A reduced tuition fee is charged for this course. See Guidance for details.
Advanced Mathematics / Ivy Tech Community College - Math 135
Advanced Mathematics, College Credit – Finite Math, Ivy Tech is a course that will grant students dual college credit through Ivy Tech. Course topics include (1) surveys, (2) solving and graphing linear equations and inequalities, (3) elementary set theory, (4) matrices and their applications, (5) linear programming, and (6) elementary probability. 3 College Credit hours.
● Prerequisite: Algebra II and Geometry
● Credits: 1 credit per trimester.
● Students must meet a certain score on a PSAT, SAT, or ACT test or Ivy Tech's Accuplacer test to receive dual credit.
● Students must pass both trimesters in order to qualify for Dual College Credit.
● Counts as a Mathematics Course for the Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors and Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas.
Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry / Ivy Tech Community College – MATH 136/137
Pre-Calculus blends together all of the concepts and skills that must be mastered prior to enrollment in college-level Calculus. Topics include: (1) graphing (2) relations and functions (3) trigonometric functions (4) trigonometric equations and identities (5) trigonometry in triangles (6) polar coordinates and complex numbers (7) sequence and series and (8) data analysis. Students must have a TI-83+ graphing calculator for enrollment in this course. Prerequisite(s): Completion of
Algebra II Honors. Additionally, students completing Algebra 2 with a B or better and teacher recommendation. Students must meet required scores on either a SAT, ACT, PSAT test or Ivy Tech's Accuplacer test to receive dual credit. 6 College
Credit hours.
Southeastern Career Center
Juniors and seniors that attend the Southeastern Career Center may have an opportunity to earn college credit through their selected program. Please see the program course description for specific information.
Post-Secondary Enrollment Program
The district believes that students who are capable of and wish to pursue college level work while in high school should be permitted to do so. Information about the post-secondary enrollment program will be made available to students and their parent/guardians. Any student who wishes to participate in the post-secondary enrollment program must inform his/her counselor at least two months in advance. Any 11th or 12th grade student may apply to any institution of higher education through the post-secondary enrollment program. Academic credit granted for course work successfully completed by a student under this program may qualify as high school credit or credit at the institution of higher education in accordance with the contract for dual credit with the eligible institution. A student participating in this program will still be considered as enrolled in the district and eligible for all high school activities.
● A class taken for dual credit (college credit and high school credit) scheduled as one of the five credit classes in a trimester will count as honors level high school credit unless otherwise noted for the purposes of calculating GPA and class rank.
● A class taken for dual credit (college credit and high school credit) scheduled in addition to the five credit classes per trimester will count as declared high school credit. Declared credit will not factor into the calculation of GPA and class rank at SDHS, however it will appear on the transcript.
● A class taken for dual credit (college and high school credit) which is also a required class for a diploma will count as honors level high school credit unless otherwise noted for the purposes of calculating GPA and class rank.
Questions? Feel free to contact the Guidance Department to learn more. To review and discover more information about our curriculum, visit the guidance information area. -
A 90 - 100
B 80 - 90
C 70 - 80
D 60 - 70
F Below 60
Report cards are will be viewable online the Friday following each trimester. Students and parents may view online report cards on STI InformationNow. Any discrepancy should be reported to Guidance for correction.
To keep the parent and students informed of their progress, mid-term grade reports will be veiwable online via STI InformationNow during the 6th week of each grading period.
Parents/guardians may access their student's grades using our school software InformationNow parent portal. A computer with internet capability is required as well as a unique username and password issued by the school. A direct link to
the site is on the school website. Parents/guardians without internet access may request Interim Grade Reports as outlined below.
Parents may request an interim grade report to aid them in keeping informed of their students' progress. These reports will be viewable the third and ninth week of the grading period. Parents who request the three-week grade check must attend an initial parent/teacher conference before grade checks will be started. This conference will consist of introduction of the teachers and parents and give parents the opportunity to explain what assistance they would like to receive from the faculty. The student(s) will also be required to attend. Parents also must provide self-addressed, stamped envelopes to receive the grade check. If necessary a follow-up conference could be held at the request of the teacher or parents.
The Honor Roll is published at the end of each Trimester. To be eligible a student must receive a letter grade of A or B in all subjects. Students who receive a grade of NC (No Credit Due to Excessive Absence) will not be eligible for the Honor Roll.
South Dearborn High School has a weighted class rank and grade point average (G.P.A.) system. Each course is assigned one of three levels based on the difficulty of the course. Points are assigned to each letter grade which is used in the computation of the students G.P.A. (see below)
All subjects are included in the class rank except freshman physical education, and declared courses.
(Level 2) (Level 3) (Level 4)
A = 6 points A = 5 points A = 4 points
B = 5 points B = 4 points B = 3 points
C = 4 points C = 3 points C = 2 points
D = 3 points D = 2 points D = 1 points
F = 0 points F = 0 points F = 0 points
Dividing the total credits attempted into the total points accumulated and multiplying the result by a conversion factor of .69 will equal the Grade Point Average (GPA). This process converts the average to the standard 4.00 system. A student may obtain a GPA of slightly greater than 4.00.
A student's G.P.A. & class rank are updated each trimester and are cumulative over four years.
Contrary to popular belief, the difference of one or even ten or more places in class rank will not make the difference in whether students qualify for scholarship consideration. Being numbers 3-10 in a class of more than 250 is a difference that will have little impact on one making a scholarship decision. Being number one or two may--but only in the most selective schools.
Other factors are weighted heavily including SAT and ACT scores (which seldom match exactly with class rank), personal characteristics, the breadth and depth of the curriculum chosen, the educational plan beyond high school, etc. This is not to diminish the accomplishments of students competing for the top rank nor should it change their desire to achieve such a status. A class of 250 has many good students and there are numerous measuring sticks to identify them. Class rank is only one of them. Students are encouraged to take courses right for them. The rest will take care of itself. Traditional level classes are included in the SDHS College Preparatory Program.
Valedictorian & Salutatorian
To be eligible for Valedictorian (Student with highest GPA) or Salutatorian (Student with 2nd highest GPA) a student must be in full time attendance for the entire senior year. Students receiving a grade of NC (No Credit Due to Excessive Absence) will not be eligible for Valedictorian or Salutatorian. -
High Ability Program
How Do You Determine if a Child is High Ability?
A High Ability Student is one who: "performs at, or shows the potential for performing at, an outstanding level of accomplishment in at least one domain when compared to other students of the same age, experience, or environment; and is characterized by exceptional gifts, talents, motivation, or interests."
SDCSC High Ability Philosophy
We believe that High Ability students have a right to:
• Know about their giftedness
• Learn something new every day
• Seek guidance in the development of their talent(s)
• Feel good about their accomplishments
We also feel that High Ability students should have access to:
• Education grounded in recognition of individual differences and unique learning needs.
• Instruction responsive to their individual learning rate, style, and complexity.
• Learning environments that incorporate activities to help these students develop independence, creativity, and critical thinking skills.
We provide an appropriate range of educational services to effectively meet the cognitive and affective needs of all high ability students. All students will have equal access to high ability programming, including students with limited English proficiency, students with cultural or socioeconomic differences, and students with unique learning needs.
SDCSC High Ability Program Goals
Goal 1:
High Ability students in grades K-12 will be successfully identified regardless of gender, race, age or socio-economic background.
Goal 2
All staff and stakeholders will be trained in the academic, social, and emotional needs of High Ability students.
Goal 3
We will provide a challenging academic education that develops critical, creative, and evaluative thinking processes in order to provide the necessary tools for effective problem solving.
Goal 4
We will provide an environment for high ability students that fosters their social and emotional needs by promoting an appreciation of giftedness.Content needs to be discussed.SDCSC High Ability Mission Statement
Our mission is to develop, implement, and maintain an appropriate systematic range of services to meet the individual, academic, social, and emotional needs of all high ability learners so that they may reach their fullest academic potential. -
Ivy Tech Partnership - Early College
= Saving $$$
SDHS continues to make major strides in offering dual credit courses to our students. We currently offer 15 courses through Ivy Tech Community College at no expense in our high school. We also have courses through Thomas More and Indiana University. Out of the 15 Ivy Tech courses offered, 11 are in the (TGEC) Transfer General Education Core. Most colleges/universities are $300 or more per credit hour. That is a cost savings of at least $9,000 for a student going to college. SDHS students are now able to earn the TGEC with strategic planning and high academic achievement. This wouldn't be possible without the establishment of our partnership through our (MOU) Memorandum of Understanding with Ivy Tech Community College. Just this year, we are sending 21 students to take Art Appreciation and/or Introduction to Public Speaking on Ivy Tech's Lawrenceburg campus. These dual enrollment courses are not online. They offer the true college experience of face-to-face instruction. Students take courses as a group increasing the chance for peer tutoring, collaboration, and interaction. All, and we almost forgot, the tuition is PAID FOR BY SDCSC. SDHS students can receive college credits for FREE at South Dearborn High School, and may also attend Ivy Tech Community College to receive FREE college credits. All students have to pay for is books when attending classes on-campus. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to leave the high school building for a little while, maybe grab a quick snack from a local restaurant, and then head to college? Wouldn't it be beneficial to start college with a small high school cohort group? Wouldn't it save us some money by using the partnership of Ivy Tech and SDCSC to earn college credit through dual enrollment when only paying for books, not tuition, not a fee?
The IVY TECH Administration and the SD High School Administration will collaborate to create committees to determine course offerings, faculty participants, and the appropriate selection and sequencing of all dual enrollment course offerings. In addition, these committees will work to align SD dual credit offerings with IVY TECH dual enrollment offerings in order for participating SD students, while enrolled as a high school student, to earn credentials and/or certifications contemporaneous with earning a high school diploma, such as Technical Certificate in the Transfer General Education Core (hereinafter referred to as "TGEC") or advanced manufacturing and industrial technology courses. This TGEC credential consists of thirty (30) credit hours and is equivalent to one (1) year of college. Community stakeholder participation will be encouraged.
Check out our 2016-2017 curriculum guide information on dual enrollment.
2016-2017 SDHS Ivy Tech TGEC
South Dearborn High School is an emerging Early College High School. Please see the website below for additional information.
The website below takes you directly to the TGEC, which all of our SDHS students are eligible to achieve. -
Parent Teacher Meetings
Keeping open lines of communication between teachers and parents is a top priority. Our classroom teachers will happily meet with you during the school year to discuss your child's progress and address any areas of concern or focus. To schedule a parent teacher meeting, simply contact your child's teacher via e-mail. Click below to access the Staff Directory page.
Staff Directory -
Pathways to Success: College & Career Prep
South Dearborn High School is preparing students for the next level.
We avoid a "one size fits all" strategy and endeavor to develop students to be college and career ready when they depart the halls of South Dearborn High School.
Individual pathway development for College and Career Preparation.- Preparation to qualify for college coursework.
- Experience the rigor of college coursework and earn college credit while still in high school.
- Pathway to accomplish year one of core courses for college.
- Pathway to an Associate's Degree while in high school.
- Pathway to vocational programming with the Southeast Career Center.
- Pathway to workplace certification.
Partnerships for college credit with AP, Ivy Tech, Indiana University, and Thomas More College. We currently have 51 credit hours of dual credit opportunities at the high school campus. Many more are available at the career center or at the Ivy Tech Campus.
A study in 2009 found that if students earn 16 credit hours they save an estimated $4,000 in tuition at state schools.
Relationships, Rigor, Relevance, Responsibility.- At South Dearborn High School we focus on building relationships among teachers and students to generate a culture of high expectations and foster the work ethic to achieve. We have challenging curriculum and an emphasis on college and career skills and study habits.
- Teachers, administrators and counselors will determine course sequences, outline mentoring and academic support for the student's pathway program.
Impressive Opportunities:- A 900 student school is a perfect size to be able to have wide range of course offerings while still small enough to provide individual support.
- Continuous support for academic success
- Prepares students for four-year college classrooms.
- Transferable college credit while attending high school in dual enrollment classes.
- Programs and courses that boost academic achievement
- Potential to graduate with a high school diploma and a two-year Associate of Arts degree.
- On campus opportunities with Ivy Tech provide students a chance to learn about college life while still in high school.
- Opens doors for college scholarships.
- Features collaboration with post-secondary institutions that develops a seamless education experience.
- Offers outstanding extracurricular activities.
Opportunities for Advanced Credit
Advanced Placement (AP)
Advanced Placement (AP) courses provide students with the opportunity to take college level courses at high school that are taught by high school teachers.- Qualifications: Must show a preparation level to be able to keep up with the pace and level of rigor of the AP course in the prerequisite courses.
- Credit: Courses can count as high school credit and college credit. To earn college credit in an AP course, you will need to earn a minimum score of 3 out of 5 on an AP Exam.
- Course Costs: No cost to take the class. The
- re may be a cost to take the AP exam.
Dual Credit
Sited Based – occurs at SDHS or at Southeast Career Center. Our approved instructors teach the students in our setting and are considered adjunct faculty to the University/College.- Qualifications: Students must meet certain academic qualifications in order to participate in the programming. PSAT minimum score, SAT Score, ACT score, or Accuplacer score. The placement tests and qualifying scores differ with the specific university and specific course requirements.
- Credit: Courses can count for high school credit and college credit.
- Course Costs: Site based dual credit courses are really college courses offered at the high school. There are currently no fees for Ivy Tech courses taught at the high school.
Ivy Tech will be our primary college based site for course SDHS cannot offer on Campus. Our students will go to them. They pay reduced college tuition for the class. If a student took an Ivy Tech course on release during the day or in the evening, they would be considered college based and the student would pay the tuition fee.- Qualifications: Students must meet certain academic qualifications in order to participate in the programming. PSAT minimum score, SAT Score, ACT score, or Accuplacer score. The placement tests and qualifying scores differ with the specific university and specific course requirements.
- Credit: Courses can count for high school credit and college credit.
- Course Costs: College based dual credit courses are really college courses offered at the college campus or satellite location. The student would pay a tuition fee.
Career Technical Education (CTE)
Career Technical Education programs provide students with a great way to explore a variety of careers and potentially earn college credit while in high school. Workplace Certifications are also available. Students usually begin a two-year program in their junior year. Because these programs are aligned to both high school and college courses, CTE offers students a seamless transition between high school, career technical education programs, and college.- Qualifications: All students are eligible to apply.
- Credit: Courses can count for high school credit, college credit, or both.
- Course Costs: Most costs are covered by SDCSC.
- Course Location: Southeastern Career Center in Versailles.
- Transportation: provided by the district.
Special Education
Special education is the practice of educating students with special needs in a way that addresses their individual differences and needs. Common special education needs include, but are not limited to, specific learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, emotional disabilities, language or speech impairments, traumatic brain injuries, etc.
The Individual with Disabilities Act (IDEIA) is the federal law governing special education services. The special education law for the State of Indiana is Article VII, which is supported by the Indiana State Board of Education.
Schools use different approaches to providing special education services to students. These approaches can be broadly grouped into four categories, according to how much contact the student with special needs has with non-disabled students.
• Inclusion: Students with special education needs spend all, or most of the school day, with students who do not have special needs.
• Mainstreaming: This refers to the practice of educating students with special needs in classes with non-disabled students during specific time periods based on their skills.
• Segregation: In this model, students with special needs do not attend classes with non-disabled students.
• Exclusion: A student who does not receive instruction in any school is excluded. Students who have been suspended or expelled are not considered excluded.
Students with special needs are instructed using differentiated instructing, and typically are provided with accommodations and/or modifications to further enhance academic success.
Locally, special education services are supported by the Ripley-Ohio-Dearborn (R.O.D.) Special Education Cooperative. Parents/guardians wishing more information pertaining to special education services may contact their child's home school. Contact may also be made to the R.O.D. Special Education Cooperative at 812-926-2090. Visit the Ripley-Ohio-Dearborn Special Education Cooperative web site.
Section 504 is a part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that prohibits discrimination based upon a disability. Section 504 is an anti-discriminatory, civil rights statute that requires the needs of students with disabilities to be met as adequately as the needs of the non-disabled are met. Section 504 is not associated with special education services.
To be covered under Section 504, a student must be qualified. The student must be between the ages of 3 and 22 years of age, and have a disability, as aligned to state and federal law. Federal law states, "An individual with a disability means any person who: 1) has a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more life activity; b) has a record (documentation) of such an impairment; and/or c) is regarded as having such an impairment.
An impairment may include any disability, long-term illness of various disorders that lessen the student's ability to access learning in the educational setting because of a learning, behavior, or health-related condition.
Parents/guardians requesting more information about Section 504 are encouraged to contact their child's home school. -
Speech & Language Services
Good speech, language, and communication skills are an important part of school success.
Speech & language therapy is offered throughout the entire South Dearborn School Corporation, including each elementary school, the middle school, as well as at the high school level.
Every child is unique and has an individual rate of speech/language development. Children learn speech gradually and as they mature and get older, they often correct speech errors on their own without intervention. If a child is unable to correctly produce sounds when he/she reaches a certain age, speech therapy services may be needed.
Speech and language services are available to students that qualify under Indiana's Article 7. These services focus on remediating skills in the areas of articulation (speech sound production), expressive & receptive language (grammar, vocabulary, word retrieval, listening comprehension), fluency (stuttering), voice disorders, as well as pragmatics (social skills). A student may be referred for an evaluation in the area of speech and/or language impairment by the speech-language pathologist, a teacher, or a parent. Speech and language therapy offers students the ability to participate in individual and group therapy type situations.
At South Dearborn Community Schools speech screenings are given at the kindergarten level either at pre-registration (Kindergarten Round-up) or at the beginning of the school year. If a referral is needed at any stage in a student's school career, you will be contacted by the school's speech-language pathologist. If you have concerns about your child's speech-language development do not hesitate to contact the school speech therapist.
Important early intervention speech therapy evaluations/services are also offered to students who qualify, prior to entering kindergarten, from ages 3-5 by contacting the ROD Special Education Cooperative at 812-623-2212. -
Vocational Education
Students who select a career development program at SDHS attend the Southeastern Career Center in Versailles during their junior and senior years or for their senior year only. These students are eligible for most activities at the high school.
Students attend the Career Center in the morning, returning to South Dearborn for lunch and afternoon classes. Credits earned at SCC serve as elective credits for all diploma types. Many programs lead to certification or grant college credit. Applications are available in the Guidance Department. It is advisable to submit applications to the Guidance Department as soon as possible due to limits on program availability.
Vocational courses available include:- Auto Collision Repair
- Auto Service Technology
- Building Trades
- Business Technology
- CAD/CAM Technology
- CBE (Career Based Education)
- Communications Media
- Computer Repair
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Diesel Mechanics
- Drafting and Design
- Electric Trades
- Graphic Communications
- Machine Trades Technology
- Medical Career Technology
- Medical Secretary
- Nursing Assistant
- Welding Technology
Lisa Moorhead – Director of Guidance,
Sally Bender,
Lisa Tupper,