9 day(s) ago
First grade students in Mrs. McBroom’s Aurora Elementary School class had a special visitor recently. Major McBroom and his former K-9 dog Raiko from the Dearborn County Sheriff’s Office met the class and taught them what Raiko’s responsibilities to the community were as a police dog. Raiko is currently retired at age 13, but she still loves visiting classrooms and interacting with young students. The class also enjoyed an opportunity to read stories to Raiko. She has been visiting classrooms for 12 years!
10 day(s) ago
The next PTO meeting for Aurora Elementary School will be held on Tuesday, September 10th at 3:00pm in the AES library. We encourage parents and guardians to attend and participate in these important discussions that will greatly benefit our school community. Your presence is highly valued and your input will help shape the future of our school. We hope to see you there!
12 day(s) ago
Aurora Elementary School students in Mrs. Edwards's fourth grade class danced along to a lively video about digital citizenship! The lesson taught the students of the importance of taking a pause and thinking before they act in online spaces. They learned how to protect their private information, have the courage and empathy to stand up to cyberbullying, and how to be respectful when interacting with others online.
13 day(s) ago
Congratulations to Aurora Elementary School's fifth and sixth grade volleyball team on winning their first match of the season! Their next two games are on Saturday, September 7th at South Dearborn High School. They begin the evening with their match against Manchester at 6:00pm and end the evening with their match against St. Johns at 7:00pm. Keep up the great work, athletes! 🏐
15 day(s) ago
The Aurora Elementary School Mumkin Sale has been extended to Friday, September 6th! We're only $1,500 away from our 2024 goal and would love to reach it before the fundraiser ends. If you want to order some mumkins, visit the link below. Remember to attach your student's name when you place your order!
Thank you to everyone who has participated so far!
Thank you to everyone who has participated so far!
We look forward to the opportunity to assist you. Please feel free to contact us via phone or e-mail. View Staff Directory
General Contact Information
6098 Squire Place
Aurora, IN 47001
T: (812) 926-2090 ext. 3
F: (812) 926-0863
Report An Absence
(812) 926-2090 ext. 3
Schedule a School Tour
(812) 926-2090 ext. 3
Safe School Helpline
(800) 418-6423 ext. 359