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Alumni Spotlight: Ms. Celina Powell

Celina Powell

Celina Powell is a 2014 graduate of South Dearborn High School. She is currently enrolled at the University of Cincinnati where she works with the Marvin Lewis Community Fund, as well as many organizations on the university campus.

Celina attended South Dearborn schools the entirety of her elementary, middle, and high school career and enjoyed many great memories of her time there. She says, “My best memories from my time at SDHS would have to be the basketball games. Everyone would get so excited for the game and the events leading up to the game. The atmosphere was exhilarating.”

While at SDHS, Celina enjoyed all of her classes but says that her favorite teacher was Mr. Karasek. She says, “I hated history, but he was so random, and he kept the conversations in class so interesting that I ended up finishing at the top of his class.”

Celina says that among the lessons she learned while at SDCSC, the thing that has had the most impact on her life is a sense of discipline and the ability to communicate like an adult. “Most of my teachers had strict time frames that we had to get stuff done. If we needed more time we would have to talk to that teacher, explain, and find an alternative way. This helped me a lot because that is very much what college life is like.”

When we asked her what advice she would give current South Dearborn students she said, “Take it all in while you can and listen to what your teachers are telling you. I never really took it seriously when people used to tell me that, but now, being out of high school and in college, I understand it completely!”